Saturday, February 4, 2012

League of Legends Gamer Dies at Internet Cafe; No One Notices

                                    photo credit: Xensin via photopin cc
A year ago this month, an employee of the Los Angeles County government died at her desk and no one noticed until the next day.

A similar fate sadly befell a League of Legends player at an Internet cafe in Taiwan on Tuesday night as per this report from Sky News:
A Taiwanese man who died while playing video games at an internet cafe was left for hours after fellow gamers failed to notice his death...[His] body had apparently been sitting there for up to nine hours without any of the 30 other people in the cafe noticing.
The 23-year-old gamer who had a history of heart problems may have died of cardiac arrest according to an initial police investigation. The NY Daily News indicates that he had paid in advance for 23 hours of web access.

League of Legends is said to have 32 million registered users around the world.

Indiana Becomes Right-to-Work State

All the media attention this week about Romney's idiotic gaffe concerning poor people obscured a far more significant political development: Indiana passed right-to-work legislation that will end the automatic payroll deduction for union dues. In so doing, it will make the money laundering between Democrats and unions harder. As the New York Times reports, the bill, which takes effect immediately, makes Indiana the country's 23rd right-to-work state.
The legislation, which bars union contracts from requiring non-union members to pay fees for representation, makes Indiana the first state in more than a decade to enact right to work legislation and the only one in the Midwestern manufacturing belt to have such a law.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels would hardly qualify as "most interesting man in the world" had he run for president, but in this video from Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, the site of tomorrow's Super Bowl, he talks about the reform measure that he signed into law.

Daniels' website adds that "Seven years of evidence and experience ultimately demonstrated that Indiana did need a right-to-work law to capture jobs for which, despite our highly rated business climate, we are not currently being considered."