Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Real Best People's Court Entrance Ever

Back around the holidays, a video circulated through the Internet that was touted as the best ever litigant entrance on TV's The People's Court. There was also a second-place finisher too.

At the time, we said that there was a much better one, in which a defendant did a pirouette as he entered the courtroom--and subsequently suffered the wrath of Judge Milian. Despite getting off "on the wrong foot" with the judge, the chastened defendant did win the case, suggesting that the judge didn't hold his initial misbehavior against him.

In response to our request, an In General Counsel reader was kind enough to provide a YouTube link to that bit of performance art. 

It can be found here (scroll down to the third video).

Ron Paul for Treasury Secretary

We were in the car earlier today and heard a radio talk show host float the idea of appointing Ron Paul as U.S. Treasury Secretary in a presumed Romney administration.

This idea apparently is not necessarily new, but it must be gaining some traction. Just for the record (whatever that means!), about a month ago we made this same suggestion to some friends during a casual restaurant conversation..

Ron Paul is retiring from Congress. Putting him in charge of the Treasury Department--if he is interested in the post--and vesting him with full authority to audit the Fed is in his wheelhouse. It would also serve to unify two disparate elements of right-leaning voters.

One the primary campaign is settled, will the Romney inner circle (assuming the former Massachusetts governor emerges as the nominee) be bold enough to reach out to the congressman.

Law School Applications in Downward Spiral

Blogs like Inside the Law School Scam launched by "LawProf" seem to be having an affect because law school applications are apparently down nearly 17% over last year.

Marketplace forces at work.

There is increasing evidence that law schools have gamed their placement statistics to hide an imploding legal job market. Meanwhile law school graduates on the hook for huge tuition bills are facing years of "debtor's prison."

LawProf's blog makes for compelling reading and repeated visits. LawProf is also reporting that today 12 law schools have been hit with a class-action lawsuit for misrepresentation.

We do respectfully disagree with one contention on the blog. LawProf and the many active posters vehemently reject the premise that a law degree can open doors to alternative careers.

For what it's worth, a law degree has been extremely helpful to us in the writing/editing field, but admittedly the degree may no longer be a viable credential in today's marketplace.

Unlike a lot of the folks on that blog, we have no regrets about obtaining a J.D. perhaps because we attended law school at night (thanks to employer-provided educational benefits) while working full time and had significantly different expectations than those going full time right out of undergraduate college.

The work/school schedule was a long slog. How did we get through it? During lectures we looked forward to attacking the refrigerator after getting home from class and watching reruns of Tom Baker (shown above) portraying Dr. Who in the British science fiction series.

In 2012, in general based on available data, is a law degree worth pursuing? In a word, no.

Most Viewed Posts in January 2012

Visitors to this blog in the month of January 2012 gravitated to these posts the most. Thank you for your continuing readership and best wishes for the new year.